SPOILER FREE SHOW! The Year Five retrospective. Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails return with Came Back Haunted. Double Feature discontinues the mp3 feed, but will anyone seriously give a fuck? Making this show possible again. Pairs that were great, even if you don’t remember them. A followup on the Double Feature Kickstarter. Fears, coming to terms, and a lack of contingency plans. Enter the future! Completely fucking up the simple pairing of two films. A recent mistake. The very first 3D film. Lost films. Some answers regarding Ronda Bryne, Sean Bryne, The Secret and The Loved Ones. You didn’t see that coming. Eraserhead and other successes. Several invocations of David Lynch without a single additional mention of the Came Back Haunted video. Michael Koester does a great job. Emails: read some. The best films of all time of any film ever in so long as those films were on the show in the last 365 days. Alice forgets what his favorite movie of the year was. The Lexicon finally exists (and, although not talked about, you’ll notice Year 1 has vanished).
00:07:20 Important Graphic
00:11:12 The Best Pairings
00:28:42 Kickstarter
00:39:31 The Worst Pairings
00:44:54 Email
00:46:58 Times We Were Wrong
00:55:17 Surprises
00:59:12 Sudden Email
01:00:02 More Surprises
01:05:45 Additional Fucking Email
01:11:03 The Best Films
01:20:53 Next Time
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