Episode Collection: Hammer + Disney

Live action Hammer movies and animated Disney films.

A series of episodes spread throughout the year, including films from two notable studios.

Reverse Order of Release

The Woman in Black + The Princess and the Frog

The Woman in Black + The Princess and the Frog

The Hammer and Disney journey ends with The Woman in Black and The Princess and the Frog. The new face of Hammer and Disney making A modern animated film. A pairing not based on racism. A scary ghost film. Legitimizing scares in horror. Period horror, not to be confused with Carrie. The bizarre genre of early 1900s property litigation paperwork films. The more recent history of Hammer. The Krimsey’s menu. What if Disney made a cartoon about Louisiana? If you make a cartoon character, you’re going to end up with caricatures, and it’s not necessarily racist. Probably. Maybe. A formulaic, classic Disney princess film with a black princess who gets her hands dirty and spends most of the film as a frog. A frog. The strategy of Disney characters, music, and plot. Alice’s sensitivity TED talk. Racism somehow survived two POTUS terms. Attacking individuals when voting doesn’t make a difference. The dangers of propaganda and distinction between hateful caricatures and innocuous ones. Acknowledging the time a film was made, not as an excuse, but to understand them.

Dracula AD 1972 + Aladdin

Dracula AD 1972 + Aladdin

Hammer and Disney collide once again in part four of the annual Double Feature journey. The natural pairing of vampires and sneaky peasants. Cartoons can remain timeless, but vampires show their age. Michael messes with time. Titties aren’t in the goddamn sheet, or even the hot tub, but didn’t get snipped and tossed. The history of Hammer vampire films. The instantly-dated modern vampire. Alice’s words are of the time. The childhood Disney films of millennials. Aside from the fact that every story is stolen, Disney classics are Disney as fuck. Studio rising from rock bottom to hit machine. This is actual Disney. The unexpected heroic sacrifice that doesn’t benefit the hero at all. Visit the new Double Feature Geocities site!

The Witches + The Black Cauldron

The Witches + The Black Cauldron

Hammer studios and Disney studios. A fresh look at two unique entities in different spaces. Unique marks on an otherwise crystal clear record. How The Witches is both quintessentially Hammer horror and something completely different. Voodoo vs magic vs whatever the fuck it is Alice’s silly witch friends believe in. The Black Cauldron is an adaptation of The Chronicles of Prydain without many chronicles or much Prydain but definitely still with a magic pig that can see the future or whatever. The evil guy with horns who wants nothing less than to get on everyone’s bad side. Continue reading

Scream of Fear + Bambi

Scream of Fear + Bambi

Hammer meets Disney. The second step in a deep drive on two studios. Scream of Fear is probably actually called Taste of Fear. Where does Scream of Fear sit in 1960s horror? Hammer aside from the more commonly known Universal-Monsters style Hammer Horror. It turns out it was an insurance scam the whole decade. Bambi in reputation and actuality. Animals are innocent! Hunting is terrible and ruins everyone’s sweet party. Seriously, why are people still eating meat? It’s gross. This isn’t really part of the episode or anything, but while you’re reading this, stop eating meat. Just stop. There’s no point. It’s terrible for you, it’s expensive, and it’s barbaric Continue reading

Horror of Dracula + Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Horror of Dracula + Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Horror of Dracula, very much not the same as original Dracula. Jonathan Harker upsets Dracula after after accepting a job at the vampire’s castle under false pretenses. Legends of hammer horror. The Universal Monsters and the Dark Universe reboot. What was happening in horror in 1958. Later, in Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs: exiled into the dangerous forest by her wicked stepmother, a princess is rescued by seven dwarf miners who make her part of their household. Disney’s place in the modern world. Dwarfs is more commonly spelled Dwarves now. Thanks, Tolkien. The intersection of Disney and angry progressives on Twitter. A case for ladies being chased around by mad men or what the fuck ever. The world as it could be vs living in the world as it is. Princess problems. Continue reading