Tag Archives: Sean Byrne

Excision + The Loved Ones

Excision + The Loved Ones

Deceptively light-hearted naturalistic horror films. Accidental Mother’s Day double feature. Richard Bates Jr gets credit for creating Excision. Catching up with old friends. More old friends than you know what to do with. The return of the priest. Finish your equations! The deaf girl is ok being the deaf girl. How Michael finds these goddamn movies. Dream sequences. Pauline as an outcast. Why do we feel for Pauline? Identifying with the psycho. Parental unites. Surgery on stage. Holy fuck, The Secret. The Loved Ones and Sean Bryne’s debt to society. The saw is family. Australia, Wolf Creek and the splat pack. Heart-pounding tension. Sadism. Meanwhile, in the basement. Continue reading