Death to Smoochy + The King of Kong

Death to Smoochy + The King of Kong
Available to Members
Double Feature | Year 2 (2010)

Zune? Death to Smoochy as a perfect black comedy. The two formulas for dark comedy. The essential ingredients of black humor. Absurdity. So Very wrong. What characters contribute. Film noir influences. Robin Williams. The non-narrative documentary style as seen in The King of Kong. A fist full of quarters and Murderball. Don’t be Billy Mitchell. Sure Mitchell is evil, but is he a cheater? How does a documentary story come together? The sports story blueprint. More than videogames. Holy shit, look what’s finally on the show next week.



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Death to Smoochy

Death to Smoochy

Released: March 29, 2002
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: Danny DeVito
Writer: Adam Resnick
Starring: Danny DeVito, Robin Williams, Edward Norton, Catherine Keener

When he is fired for taking payola, the host for a children's television show plots revenge against his replacement, a rhino named Smoochy.

The King of Kong

The King of Kong

Released: February 28, 2008
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: Seth Gordon
Writer: Seth Gordon
Starring: Steve Wiebe, Billy Mitchell, Mark Alpiger, Walter Day

Diehard video game fans compete to break World Records on classic arcade games.

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