INTERVIEW w/ Mike Wilson. A bit about A Scanner Darkly. Book adaptations. Michael’s John Carpenter crash course. The Thing as a milestone. Space horror. Influence. Keith David. Psychological horror. Desolation. Weapons. How to butcher a family. The greatest scare shot. The bold title. The six degrees of conspiracy. Alice gets nostalgic about Canada. Approaching an interview. An argument for bias. Business owners. Moore’s popularity. Mike Wilson and Mallrats. Ethical boundaries. Alice and Michael get to the bottom of the title! Coverage: old media vs new. Isn’t MSNBC cute? Everything you ever wanted to know about MMHA. Solving the age old producer question.
Click on a cover to view/download high resolution version.The Thing
Released: June 25, 1982
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Director: John Carpenter
Writer: John W. Campbell Jr., Bill Lancaster
Starring: Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Keith David, David Clennon
Scientists in the Antarctic are confronted by a shape-shifting alien that assumes the appearance of the people that it kills.
Michael Moore Hates America
Released: 2004
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Director: Michael Wilson
Writer: Michael Wilson
Starring: Andrew Breitbart, Dinesh D'Souza, Peter Damon, Sandra Froman
Michael Wilson, like the subject of his film, is trying to get an interview with a multi-millionaire; however, in this case, that millionaire is Michael Moore himself.