The Brood + Xtro

The Brood + Xtro
Available to Members
Double Feature | Year 6 (2014)

Creepy monster science fiction. What lurks on Channel X? David Cronenberg’s early film The Brood. Psychoplasmatics. Where’s the scam? How Cronenberg creeps differently in The Brood. Another pause to consider body horror. Motherly themes. A creative and fitting take on the hero test. The thing is Xtro is funky scary. What else is Xtro up to? A collection of memorable what-the-fuck television moments. A world without that protagonist! Pre-internet viral speculation (ask your friends about that one). Other installments of the Xtro franchise. Yes, franchise. A past Double Feature connection.



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The Brood

The Brood

Released: May 25, 1979
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: David Cronenberg
Writer: David Cronenberg
Starring: Oliver Reed, Samantha Eggar, Art Hindle

A man tries to uncover an unconventional psychologist's therapy techniques on his institutionalized wife, amidst a series of brutal murders.



Released: January 7, 1983
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: Harry Bromley Davenport
Writer: Harry Bromley Davenport, Iain Cassie, Michel Parry, Robert Smith
Starring: Philip Sayer, Bernice Stegers, Danny Brainin

A man who was abducted by aliens returns to his family three years later, but his presence affects them negatively.

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