Tag Archives: Tobe Hooper

My Bloody Valentine + Poltergeist

My Bloody Valentine + Poltergeist

An 80s horror show! Is the Double Feature studio haunted? A definitive answer. The longstanding released version of My Bloody Valentine vs the legendary uncut version. Non-franchise 80s slasher films. Valentine’s day as an exploitable holiday for horror films. Slow tracking shots. Harry Warden. The infrequently used “mining town” setting. Pre-genre slasher. Music and canadians. Eyeline matching. The shame once associated with creating a slasher film. Alice steals an accidentally post apocalyptic scene from Poltergeist. The Steven Spielberg vs Toby Hooper debate. Toby Hooper’s style. Conspiracy. Strobe light television and eye shine. Diane and Steve, world’s most undetected adolescent parents. A vertigo shot. The oldest rolling reverse delay? Ghost hunters are kind of terrible human beings. How ghost hunters con people. Zelda Rubinstein! The curse of Poltergeist. Continue reading

Killapalooza 3: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Killapalooza 3: Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Texas Chainsaw Massacre films 1-6. Leatherface. Iconic imagery. The death curse. Further insight into slow-zoom. Leatherface and The Family. Cannibalism. WWRZD? Bill Mosley saves the day. The chainsaw is my penis. Trannyface. GASOLINE. Transition to slasher. You can’t hold back technology. Feminism. Worse than you (but not the original creators) could have imagined. Best of the worst. What do you do with a remake? The Chainsaw as a weapon. Convention. the biology of scare shots. When scare shots cheat. MEAT CART. Bookends. Who’s bored? The batman factor. Questions you weren’t asking. Exposition. Staples. TCM as directed by Double Feature. Continue reading