31 + Blair Witch

31 + Blair Witch
Available to Members
Double Feature | Year 9 (2017)

New midnight movie Double Feature! Blood, guts, gore, scares and maybe a witch. Alice Thirteen, Double Feature host and executive producer of 31. More Zombie than Zombie. Seriously, maybe the most Rob Zombie film ever made. The 70s, a time when insane directors got away from the suits and made insane movies. The extremely memorable man of the hour in 31, and the rare memorable villain in recent films. Rolling around in the pit – the reason to go back to 31 and other Rob Zombie movies time and time again. It turns out Blair Witch is fucking amazing. Critics, proving to be full of it, now universally celebrate The Blair Witch Project when they just made their usual stupid puns at the time. Adam Wingard rules the universe. Blair Witch as probably the scariest fucking thing ever. See great horror being made today.



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Released: September 16, 2016
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: Rob Zombie
Writer: Rob Zombie
Starring: Sheri Moon Zombie, Jeff Daniel Phillips, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs

Five carnival workers are kidnapped and held hostage in an abandoned, Hell-like compound where they are forced to participate in a violent game, the goal of which is to survive twelve hours against a gang of sadistic clowns.

Blair Witch

Blair Witch

Released: September 16, 2016
IMDB | Wikipedia

Director: Adam Wingard
Writer: Simon Barrett
Starring: James Allen McCune, Callie Hernandez, Corbin Reid, Brandon Scott, Wes Robinson, Valorie Curry

After discovering a video showing what he believes to be his vanished sister Heather, James and a group of friends head to the forest believed to be inhabited by the Blair Witch.

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