Team America + Cabin Fever

Team America + Cabin Fever

Team America: World Police. The puppet thing. Alice’s blender. Libertarians are awesome. What’s wrong with Matt Damon? Oh yeah, Ben Affleck. Puppets and suspension of disbelief. Michael Moore is a poor film marker and a fucking liar. MONTAGE! More graphic brutality. LOLCats is where humor goes to die. Alice begins horror with Cabin Fever. Eli Roth: genius or oblivious? The return of slow zoom. Zack Snyder thinks that’s what you want. Horrifying banjo score. Stereotypical horror characters. Michael hates the paranormal. The best ass shot in cinema history. Shaving your legs at the end of the world. Trying to talk about scare shots. Jokes about racism that aren’t intellectually bankrupt. Continue reading

12 Monkeys + The Singing Detective

12 Monkeys + The Singing Detective

The very first episode of Double Feature. The amateur recording environment. The origins of the Double Feature idea. Bruce Willis dies in the premiere spoiler warning. Twelve Monkeys, made by some guy who was apparently in Monty Python. Is it too early for hate mail? Michael can not stand slow zoom. Using film terms as short hand. Look at all the crazy people! Alice talks about blood using a very sexual tone. What a twist? The Singing Detective and crazy people on film. That Mel Gibson. Film noir, neo-noir, and important hats. The difference between clues and solutions. People just don’t care about lighting. Double Feature will return with more episodes. Probably. Continue reading

podcast-coverartDouble Feature is a weekly audio show available here, on iTunes and at various other platforms. In this free podcast, Alice Thirteen and Michael Koester discuss two movies in-depth. Double Feature takes a positive look at films of all genres, finding even horror and exploitation movies have amazing things to offer.

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