Double Feature Year 5 Finale

Double Feature Year 5 Finale

SPOILER FREE SHOW! The Year Five retrospective. Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails return with Came Back Haunted. Double Feature discontinues the mp3 feed, but will anyone seriously give a fuck? Making this show possible again. Pairs that were great, even if you don’t remember them. A followup on the Double Feature Kickstarter. Fears, coming to terms, and a lack of contingency plans. Enter the future! Completely fucking up the simple pairing of two films. A recent mistake. The very first 3D film. Lost films. Some answers regarding Ronda Bryne, Sean Bryne, The Secret and The Loved Ones. You didn’t see that coming. Eraserhead and other successes. Several invocations of David Lynch without a single additional mention of the Came Back Haunted video. Michael Koester does a great job. Emails: read some. The best films of all time of any film ever in so long as those films were on the show in the last 365 days. Alice forgets what his favorite movie of the year was. The Lexicon finally exists (and, although not talked about, you’ll notice Year 1 has vanished). Continue reading

RoboCop + Bicentennial Man

RoboCop + Bicentennial Man

Pauly’s Robot memorial show. Double Feature does whatever it wants. A rare look into Double Feature final episode runners up. Half man, half machine, all RoboCob. I’ll buy that for a dollar! Twitter. The life and times of the 1980s. Matt black police cars. The world of RoboCop. Far Cry Blood Dragon! How to Destroy Angels. Dystopia. Cars on Fire! The strengths and weaknesses of stop motion bot. ED-209. Robots replacing cops. Boardroom accessories. Murphy’s gore. A valuable lesson from RoboCop. The three directives. The three laws. Bicentennial Man. EL-P’s Stepfather Factory: Building Tomorrow’s Fathers Today. Everything Isaac Asimov. The fictional inventions of Isaac Asimov. Biochemical fiction. Why Robin Williams? The impact drill. Assigning a robot to make art. The ambition of Bicentennial Man. Why the machines should replace us. Continue reading

The Sessions + Moonrise Kingdom

The Sessions + Moonrise Kingdom

Opposing development. The one and only William H Macey solves a Double Feature problem. Ben Lewin, Mark O’Brien, and The Sessions. A serious conversation about this outlandish plot. John Hawks, humor, and playing someone with a disability. Sex surrogates. How is a sex surrogate different than a prostitute? Not the answer you were expecting. More tales from the sex industry. Double Feature finally talks about Wes Anderson. The selection of Moonrise Kingdom. Avoiding Wes Anderson. Roman Coppola, Francis Ford Coppola, and Double Feature past. Michael’s take on visual treatment. Style, signature, substance. Camera rigs and a fond remembrance of handheld film. The mini-plays of Wes Anderson. Music – what’s happening here? Professional music consultant Michael Koester. An observation regarding John Waters. Continue reading

The Skin I Live In + The Future

The Skin I Live In + The Future

Refuse to let go! Antonio Banderas leads The Skin I Live In. Fixate on items, ask questions. Discovery and tiger men. Attention to detail. What will happen vs what has happened. The iconography of Eyes Without a Face. Surgery, abduction, intrigue! Awakening to villainy. Pedro Almodovar. Miranda July’s The Future. Miranda July revisited! Books, articles and nut jobs. Two people on a couch typing into their notebooks. Relatable. No matter how widely accepted, anthropomorphizing animals is crazy. A tough pill to swallow. Why resist? The greatest human invention of recent note. Never ever unplug. Continue reading

Palindromes + Female Trouble

Palindromes + Female Trouble

A completely fucked look at pregnancy and sexuality in America. Super young kids having sex. Dawn. Aviva. Henrietta Aviva. Many actors playing one character! Talking about the thing you’re supposed to talk about. Mama Sunshine’s house of horrors. Where to buy zip disks. Palindromes are like characters are like Palindromes. Jesus music and true believers. Richard is back! Are abortion picketers monsters? Divine creates some Female Trouble. Literally fucking yourself. The Female Trouble theme song! What this one should be known for. Mink Stole, Edith Massey, and the glorious Dreamlanders. Spending some time in the backyard. An ending you’d never expect unless you thought about it literally at all. Continue reading

Excision + The Loved Ones

Excision + The Loved Ones

Deceptively light-hearted naturalistic horror films. Accidental Mother’s Day double feature. Richard Bates Jr gets credit for creating Excision. Catching up with old friends. More old friends than you know what to do with. The return of the priest. Finish your equations! The deaf girl is ok being the deaf girl. How Michael finds these goddamn movies. Dream sequences. Pauline as an outcast. Why do we feel for Pauline? Identifying with the psycho. Parental unites. Surgery on stage. Holy fuck, The Secret. The Loved Ones and Sean Bryne’s debt to society. The saw is family. Australia, Wolf Creek and the splat pack. Heart-pounding tension. Sadism. Meanwhile, in the basement. Continue reading

Suspiria + John Carpenter’s Vampires

Suspiria + John Carpenter’s Vampires

Double spook-show. Living in a pitch black vacuum. Another satisfied cinematic customer. Dario Argento’s leading ladies. Reexamination of female empowerment? Associations between space and horror. Not that kind of space. Colored light and Dario Argento’s stage love. Camera work with a sense of humor. Using camera pans for laughs. The most notable Goblin score yet. Some insight into Argento and skepticism. James Woods in John Carpenter’s Vampires! A new era of Carpenter. Ongoing musical developments. The Baldwin role. Action, action, cross-dissolve. Vampires that shoot fireworks. What brand of unique vampire mythology? Favorite vampire death. The mother-fucker of all climaxes. Sure-fire ending. Continue reading

The Cell + Valhalla Rising

The Cell + Valhalla Rising

Two tense, emotionally strung out human beings discuss some trippy films. The last chance for the Double Feature Kickstarter. The Cell. Who’s a New Line Cinema actor and who’s a Tarsem Singh actor? The unsung heroes of The Cell. Dylan Baker rocks. Impressions of The Cell over time. The visuals. The Marilyn Manson. A permanently lingering scene. The masturbation cut. Mortal Kombat! BDSM suspension. Acid trips, deprivation tanks, and an invocation of Altered States. Tape sped time shifting. Grunge, paintings, and surrealism. Two people fail to pronounce Nicolas Winding Refn. Michael explains what the fuck is going on in Valhalla Rising. Two people who aren’t on acid, but might as well be. UFOs…or something. Blasphemy and spaceships. Alice pretends to understand Michael on Valhalla Rising. A Double Feature first, and perhaps a Double Feature last. Continue reading

Double Feature Year 6 Kickstarter

Double Feature Year 6 Kickstarter

Here’s where we stand.

We have less than a week now. We wish we could say more definitively what’s going to happen. The truth is, from where we’re at right now…we’re just far enough from our goal that we can’t tell. Whether or not we make it is entirely up to you.

We always thought this was going to be everything or nothing. That we’d crush our goal or that we wouldn’t raise a penny. The reality is scarier than either – we’re just short of on track to make it. We love this show. It’s important to us, and we did everything to make our case for it on the Kickstarter page.

If Double Feature can be proud of anything, it’s being the longest consecutive week-after-week show on iTunes. We’ve never missed an episode, and we don’t want this to stop. Film conversation still shouldn’t require film school, and movies still deserve a deeper look. Most of all, we think positive voices make this here internet a better internet. Things may have changed for us, but we’ve got a plan to keep the show going. With your help, this won’t have to end.

We really need your help. There’s no plan B – this Kickstarter is our last chance. When you see where our goal is at, you’ll know what we’re talking about. We’re right on the line, and we NEED every last bit of help we can get. To come so far and fall just short of succeeding, we just can’t let that happen! You guys have brought us right up to the line. Let’s push this fucking thing over.

-Alice and Michael

Black Snake Moan + Monster’s Ball

Black Snake Moan + Monster’s Ball

Sex-fueld southern movies with racial components of varying degrees. Hip hop stars. What Double Feature can give you. Finally, the Double Feature secret. Who is this Craig Brewer guy? How do you describe Black Snake Moan? Not a tribute, not a throwback. Deceptive marketing that’s unexpected for not being THAT kind of deceptive. Morality, where’s the goddamn morality. Terriers died too quickly. Chaining your white ladies up in the house. Christina Ricci and the sex. What are the racial issues? Are there racial issues? Is the issues that Alice can’t see the racism? The infamous electric guitar thunderstorm scene. Why people have actually seen Monster’s Ball. The thing no one wants to admin to. Strip ’em naked! Marc Forster has made films. Terrible father movies. Letting it all roll off. Death row films (unfairly) support pacifism. Racial overtones. Undertones? Overtones? The ending of Monster’s Ball is so fucking cool. Continue reading