Industrial Symphony No. 1 + Lucifer Rising

Industrial Symphony No. 1 + Lucifer Rising

Double Feature’s 500th episode celebrates by trying to figure out what a film is. David Lynch directs the something like a a Julee Cruise nightmare called Industrial Symphony No. 1: The Dream of the Brokenhearted. Stripping away elements, adding to horrors. Isolating the elements of a nightmare – what makes it tick? The meat man. Or woman. Or break-up personification thing. Sawing logs and the best time signatures to do it in. Knock Knock kids watch Lucifer Rising. The county pole and its capacity limitations. Best locations for a honey pie. Various jams. In the twenty first century, screaming is no longer gender restrictive. To be nothing. Continue reading

25th Hour + Fruitvale Station

25th Hour + Fruitvale Station

Socially imposed guilt, the failures and successes of the penal system, and colorblind justice in the United States of America. Or none of that. New York, San Francisco, and the texture of location. There’s one show left and it’s time to do a good job. There’s an entire previous deep dive of Spike Lee shows you can find on Double Feature. New York and one of the first post-9/11 films. Fighting the article. Double Feature listeners get some free Shudder. White dude’s going to prison. Slanted snuff. Activism and death on film. When activism rushes in – an overwhelming avalanche of terrible images we should all so but fuck are there a lot of them oh god help. From Sundance to Marvel – the incredible success story of Ryan Coogler. Continue reading

Kuso + Reality

Kuso + Reality

Auteurism beyond control. Kuso’s graphic depictions of graphic something. The artistic merit of creating the most horrible man-made experiences. Vulgar imagery and its place in the arthouse. Sundance movie Kuso and the power of credentials. Putting in the work / trusting the author. Double Feature midnight jelly. Reality (2015) or Réalité. Or maybe Reality (2014) depending on timezones or whatever. Higher level Hollywood satire (or: inside baseball). Things producers get stuck on. The greatest groan in cinema history? Music, film, and the race to an impossibly original idea. Continue reading

Truman + The Atomic Cafe

Truman + The Atomic Cafe

Presidents and propaganda continue. Boy, do they continue. Harry S Truman (basically considered unqualified for the job, hahaha) is elected president because America. Revolution Number 33 Franklin D. Roosevelt is dead man miss him miss him. Ok, reel it back in here. Was the bomb a good idea? Well, no, but there’s a controversy. A pretty fucked up set of 40s and 50 US propaganda, this time made by the actual United States of America government. Everything is fine, don’t fear the bomb, it’s all ok, also get under that desk, kid. The government’s response to fear it apparently to throw more commas into the sentence. Mistaking propaganda for the real thing. Continue reading

Solaris + Galaxy of Terror

Solaris + Galaxy of Terror

Two space films of completely equal merit and in fact equal in every direction and one of them is not total fucking nonsense. Hey, actually, maybe both of them or total nonsense? Wade through an existential crisis and find out. Jokes about the size of a Solaris. An entire Galaxy of Terror. Galaxy of Terror: larger than Planet Terror? Not an actual question anyone asked or cares about or even makes sense. The question Double Feature is most prepared to answer – what’s going on with all this monster rape? Seriously, what’s with the monster rape in Galaxy of Terror? And furthermore, why is monster rape even a trope? Can’t people just be naked in film? Is there a reason this happens? Will Michael’s Roger Corman impression Continue reading

Blue Ruin + Let Me Make You a Martyr

Blue Ruin + Let Me Make You a Martyr

Southern hospitality as crime heads into the American, well, south. Blue Ruin, Green Room, and Double Feature’s other favorite colors. A man is naked. Why is this man naked. Wait, where is this man going. On no, that poor man’s head. Marilyn Manson is only in Let Me Make You a Martyr for about ten minutes, but because of the Hollywood advertising machine his face must be on every part of the film or no one will see it (and maybe that’s true). How to pitch Let Me Make You a Martyr a bit more honestly. Opening up the untold tales of the American opioid epidemic. If you haven’t heard of this thing called Shudder, you should go take a test-drive. Seriously, you’ll fall in love. Continue reading

The Blues Brothers + Thelma and Louise

The Blues Brothers + Thelma and Louise

Iconic pairs of mis-understood law breakers speed away from long arm of the law. Or, it’s the end of the year, time for a really obvious double feature. First, The Blues Brothers as the ultimate Chicago movie. Cultural appropriation and the real life, no fucking kidding blues. Carrie Fisher is the fucking greatest and humanity is worse off without her. Not nearly enough can be said about her. She was in the beginning of a new act in the last few years because of Star Wars and people are now discovering all the work she did since the original series and she was just wonderful.Anyways, the musical comedy act. Is Thelma and Louise the feministic movie for 2017 or does 2017’s feminism not allow it? A debate. How audiences want to treat gross people of all walks of life (and why maybe that’s ok for a little while). Continue reading

Get Out + Colossal

Get Out + Colossal

Social issue genre films. Trojan horsing social issues. How Get Out keeps it subtle by riding the elephant in the room. Having a conversation with the audience that’s actually showing up. Jesus Christ Get Out is scary, what the fucking hell. Cultural appropriation. Hey, you didn’t know it, but you’ve actually show up for a conversation about emotional manipulation. Welcome. Oh, don’t bother with that door, it locked from the other side. So glad you’re here. Why don’t you just have a seat? A seat. Sit. Down. Now, where to begin – were you paying attention to those monsters? Yeah, pretty complicated. Hope you don’t think you’re going to sit there thinking about trying to find science fiction plot holes in Colossal, there’ still this whole dump drunk you’re about to drown in. Hang on a second, let’s Continue reading

Better Watch Out + Prevenge

Better Watch Out + Prevenge

Slash slash! Two films that take a departure from their initial advertised concepts. Spending the afternoon on Shudder. Halloween Phase 3, or as some call it, Xmas. Better Watch out is kind of a misleading title. Over-lit sets as the oxy-filled murder playgrounds of Chris Peckover’s mind. The lazy Sunday film hits modern day. Prevenge is kind of a misleading title. One woman, one vision! Director, writer, producer, star, host for human life. Prevenge as a filmmaking success story. Talking to Samuel Zimmerman, curator of Shudder. How to live deliciously. Continue reading

The Beguiled + Thriller: A Cruel Picture

The Beguiled + Thriller: A Cruel Picture

Lady problems. Shudder update: Double Feature no longer has a promo code but you should check out Shudder anyways. Search online and maybe you can find one. The Beguiled is too morally clear, let’s add the confederacy! On Side A, Clint Eastwood is a lady problem. A genius use of flashback and unreliable narrator. What it takes to add a turn to the rape revenge film. Can rape revenge invert gender? On Side B, everything else is a lady problem. Thriller: A Cruel Picture: They Call Her One Eye. The mother of all exploitation films. Double Feature reaches for new levels of offensive. A notable eye-poke! Grindhouse cinema’s half-hearted revenge. A defense of Thriller: A Cruel Picture (but no one is going to defend “They Call Her One Eye”). Continue reading