Party Monster + Heavenly Creatures

Party Monster + Heavenly Creatures

Friendships that famously end in murder. Party Monster, the real fake meta documentary story thing. A better reference for what became THE FLYING TOM TOM. The unreliable narrator in a meta universe. Disco Bloodbath: A Fabulous but True Tale of Murder in Clubland. Iconic fictional personas and club drama. DJing. A living attraction. The perpetual motion machine of celebrity. The controversy that is Chloe Sevigny. The life and times of Marilyn Manson. The party monsters today. Heavenly Creatures against other Peter Jackson films. How Double Feature feels about Peter Jackson. Young girls and old girls. Men as the unappealing minority. Peer pressure vs enabling. The humanity of famous killers. What does the sexual relationship communicate about the characters? Violence without glory. Continue reading

Drive + Collateral

Drive + Collateral

The heroes and villains of LA crime. What Double Feature already knew about Drive. Nicolas Winding Refn: crazy person. The precision of Drive. Roadsploitation. A protagonist with no name. Modern day nuwave musicians and composer Cliff Martinez. Stripped down plot. Unconventional (and more realistic) relationships. The alpha male. The role of minimalism. The mysterious man’s actual past. Drive as a superhero film. Ill intentions. The superhero mentor. Violence! Bordering on surrealism. What audiences can handle. Collateral as an introduction to Michael Mann. Real people. The beginning of digital filmmaking. Why don’t people like Tom Cruise? A different look at jazz. Rooting for the villain. Who is Max? Continue reading

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane + The Poughkeepsie Tapes

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane + The Poughkeepsie Tapes

Starting year five with two films you can’t see! It’s true – All the Boys Love Many Lane. Why wasn’t this released? What would the boys do for Mandy Lane? Out of the closet atheist actor Amber Heard. Using the blunt force of a gun as your weapon. When no one else is around. When do you know? Manipulation. A found footage film that actually does what we always just pretend found footage films do. Predicting the financial success and critical reaction of The Poughkeepsie Tapes based on nothing but wild speculation. Characteristics of the water street butcher. B-stories. Continue reading

Double Feature Year 4 Finale

Double Feature Year 4 Finale

SPOILER FREE SHOW! The Year Four retrospective. An actual conversation about Filmspotting. All that could have been. Alice is on! The study on spoilers. Spoiler extermism. The Louis spoiler tiers. More on japanese pornography. A discussion on chapters. Fucking up on The Little Shop of Horrors. Behind the scenes getting Freaks on the show. The best pairs on year 4 of Double Feature. The worst pairs. A look back at Coffy + Foxy Brown. Feminism and female empowerment. The urgent red square. Don’t tape off your FaceTime camera, that was a joke. Christopher fixes Troll Hunter. A series of paraphrased emails. Times we were completely wrong. Clarification on what Double Feature doesn’t know. Unstated knowns about Double Feature. Michael using Happiness as a prank. Alice explains his time in psychosis. Potential movies for Year 5. Covering more foreign films. Talking about music. DRC Music, EL-P’s Cancer4Cure. Glittermouse. Evil lesser than two evils biohazard team. The best films anyone saw all year. A story about street art. Banana guy. The aftermath of Rocky + Asia. Checking back in on the Free State Project. The Trick ‘r Treat shorts. TV Shows. The Lexicon and Year 1 vanishing. Continue reading

Happiness + Kids

Happiness + Kids

NC-17 films. Perhaps not the optimistic double feature you hoped for. Would it be ok if the notes just said “bag cat?” Todd Solondz returns! Michael uses a mentally unstable Alice for his own amusement. Happiness is not just a trick. The title Happiness. Jon Lovitz. Actual childhood obsessions. Manipulation through sound. Aren’t you going to eat the sandwich? Difficult questions about pedophilia. Kids. Larry Clark, old man photographer. Tulsa. Harmony Korine. Finding hooligans. Rosario Dawson and Chloe Sevigny. Returning to the human experience. Bad people. And dirt. Telly. What creates an adolescent monster? Fast acting bag cat! Continue reading

Rocky 6 + Tokyo Gore Police

Rocky 6 + Tokyo Gore Police

Rocky meets Asia comes to a close with a late Rocky film and a great piece of the new asian extreme. Rocky 6, Rocky Balboa. A modern looking Rocky film. The unspoken problems in the six film timeline. Rocky Balboa and Spinner Dunn. The insanely good looking gritty rainbow of color in the film. Pure white backlight and ugly Chicago streets. The tragedy of Paulie Pennino. A lesson about suspension of disbelief. What does it mean to still have stuff in the basement? Why Rocky goes back to fighting. What is Rocky’s responsibility to now adult Rocky Jr. Potential ICE TRUCK. What it takes to win in this series. Bam, Tokyo Gore Police! Throw down title card. Finally, a great split-down-the-middle. Japanese Gore Films. Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl. Let’s talk anime. Ruka is the only honest cop. Japan explains it all. Privatizing the police – too extreme even for Double Feature! Mitsua Super Asian Marketplace. Heavy guitar score. A brief history of japanese gore cinema using a complicated web of Kevin Bacon. Revisiting Michael’s spaghetti western question. Tokyo Gore Police introduces the Engineer. Asian extreme WET LENS. Not so weird anymore. De-weirding japanese gore films. Unintentional results. Continue reading

Sucker Punch + Switchblade Sisters

Sucker Punch + Switchblade Sisters

Gangs of ladies and imprisoned female empowerment. Zach Snyder’s Sucker Punch as an original film. The Wizard of Oz fantasy movie template. Hamster style comes back again and again. The many layers of Sucker Punch. A fantasy so bad it necessitates it’s own fantasy. Making you want to see the dance. How Sucker Punch delivers on several promises you expect from all-female casts. Sucker Punch as a commentary on objectification via reality checks. Is the film pro-feminist or anti-feminist? How music adds its own story. Female covers. Male soundtrack perversion. Bjork’s new versions of Army of Me. The visuals of Alex Pardee. Speculation on the R rated version of the film. Late night film watching with Switchblade Sisters. Quentin Tarantino’s Rolling Thunder Pictures. Director Jack Hill. A women in prison film outside of prison. Men in Switchblade Sisters. Writing better than you intend to shoot. Continue reading

The Tingler + A Bucket of Blood

The Tingler + A Bucket of Blood

It was a dark and stormy night! Another rainy day double feature. Public domain and excellent introductory black and white films. Vincent Price is the man you came to see. The Tingler is the tiny rubber monster that lives inside all of us. Is William Castle responsible for found footage and the alternate reality game? The many gimmicks of The Tingler. Black and white and red. Scream, scream for your lives! Percepto. Experiencing William Castle gimmicks today. The fright certificate and the coward’s corner. Roger Corman (without Vincent Price!) in A Bucket of Blood. William Castle inspires someone already. The Little Shop of Horrors after A Bucket of Blood. Walter Paisley and Dick Miller the leading man. Beatnicks still exist, and they’re at Whole Foods. A world where no one plays it straight. The accidental artist. Self esteem and the fear of inadequacy artists face. Murder, murder! Continue reading

Killapalooza 16: Final Destination

Killapalooza 16: Final Destination

Final Destination films 1-5. The fate killer. Religion and craigslist. Final Destination 1. An unstudied era of horror films. Horror films of the early 2000s. A small hole will not blow people out of a fuselage. Does Final Destination have a sense of humor? Tony Todd. Finding skepticism in Final Destination. Liquid damage. The rules of Final Destination. Keeping the audience guessing. The first sequel. Rube Goldberg deaths. The concept of “What if?” Alice burns his hands on Michael’s taco. The magic negro. Pictures of Abe in Final Destination 3. Three point lighting carnival and commercial breaks. The rights of women. Ladies in fights. The first time Final Destination is fucked up. Giving up on staying safe. David R. Ellis. Paying tribute with the opening credits sequence of Final Destination 4. Love Lays Dying 3D. Commenting on 3D. Water is not covered by your warranty. Sadism. Impress us, Final Destination 5! Kill substitution. In a universe without god or the soul, is fate real? Questions about free will. Survivor’s guilt. An incredible spoiler ending. Continue reading

Videodrome + Amazon Women on the Moon

Videodrome + Amazon Women on the Moon

A 2:00am channel surfing double feature. Alice’s unbelievable secret confession. Scan lines, static, and vertical sync: the awful look of the footage found in David Cronenberg’s Videodrome. Betamax looks as bad as vinyl sounds. James Woods hasn’t always been there. Max Renn is the sponge for crazy. Debbie Harry is a hot trap. The emotional rescue show. Is violent fiction actually an outlet for frustration and homicidal tendencies? The old age of mystery television, before the internet. Technology to sync older CRT displays so they don’t flicker in your movie. Insert the tape! Amazon Women on the Moon – a place to go for the lost experience of channel surfing. Film critics, life critics. Overlapping sketches. Short and punchy. Amazon Women on the Moon and The Twilight Zone. Planned Parenthood. Continue reading