Theodore Rex + The Secret

Theodore Rex + The Secret

CO-HOSTED by Rebecca Watson. Two abominations of science, back to back! The IMDB Bottom 100. Is there anything to be gained by watching Theodore Rex? Who’s trying the hardest and what fails the most? Speculation on terrible overdubbing. Syncro-Vox. The Theodore Rex wikipedia entry! Other top billed actors staring in bottom barrel films. At what point was this film doomed? If Rebecca Watson directed Theodore Rex. What is The Secret? Checking the credentials. John Gray can go fuck himself. You too, Jack Canfield. The self-help industry. Rebecca Watson lists synonyms for vagina. Women and psuedoscience. Why people fall for The Secret. How The Secret and Alcoholics Anonymous con people. Why skepticism hasn’t dedicated more time to The Secret. Follow Rebecca Watson at Continue reading

Beetlejuice + Candyman

Beetlejuice + Candyman

Myth and Legend. More cannon than ever before! More airquotes than any podcast has dared to present! Tim Burton’s Beetlejuice. The Danny Elfman Tim Burton marriage. Alec Baldwin is not a senator. The Amazing Criswell. Why Double Feature doesn’t really do comic book films. Casting against obvious common assumption. The character of Beetlejuice as a combination of Tim Burton’s personal interests. Tax money should not go to the living dead. Stop-motion and other early Burton attractions. Why is a knowledge of magic important in filmmaking? The Beetljuice Animated Series. SAND BEETLE WORMS. Clive Barker and Candyman. Alice’s accidental 3am trips to cabrini green. An update on the state of cabrini green in Chicago. Snopes: The Film. Candyman taking a more professional look at legend. Candyman shows up and…what is he wearing? Creating legend as a scapegoat. Evading responsibility through myth. Continue reading

The Lawnmower Man + Jurassic Park

The Lawnmower Man + Jurassic Park

Two movies that aren’t about men playing God. How CG can make or break a film. Mr. Barbecue. Unrelated: where the Lost term “choppies” came from. When terrible CG is ok – even in legitimate films. A swarm of CG bees. What can we learn from the Lawnmower Man? Things you see in Budget Video. If Lawnmower Man was a slasher film. Why everyone remembers the Lawnmower Man as a serial killer. Total bullshit: Telekinesis, Alchemy, and maybe smoking at the gas station? How to do a Vertigo shot. Ask Neil deGrasse Tyson! Is pseudoscience the appeal of Jurassic Park? Where did the fucking plants come from? Explaining the dinosaurs. Chaos theory. Debunking the butterfly effect. Michael Shermer. What went wrong at Jurassic Park? Bringing the fear home. Continue reading

Hell Ride + The Spirit

Hell Ride + The Spirit

Larry Bishop and Frank Miller – the protégé double feature. Grindhouse revival. Outlaw biker films. The origins of El Pistolero. Deciphering the influences. The evolution of biker films. Larry Bishop. Quentin Tarantino’s role in Hell Ride. Guns. The Badassery of David Carradine. Undeniable badassery. Questionable badassery. The opening of The Spirit. Good or bad, The Spirit is NOT just Sin City. Contrasting the approach and end goal of Robert Rodriguez and Frank Miller. You can’t talk Frank Miller without talking Batman. How Samuel L Jackson fits himself into any given movie. Scarlett Johansson gets it. Continue reading

28 Weeks Later + Cloverfield

28 Weeks Later + Cloverfield

The most packed episode ever? Two very important “horror” films that went above and beyond their genre. What makes 28 Weeks Later and Cloverfiend so brilliant? A quick word on 28 Days Later. A twenty minute conversation about the first ten minutes of 28 Weeks Later. Being rapidly forced through the stages of grief. Compassion vs. self preservation. Looking death in the face. The physical zombie. Why the rage virus? Reflecting on the split decisions. What’s important in terms of horror. The original ending of 28 Weeks Later. Complete camera geek out! How to shoot day-for-night (american night). How to accomplish the “infected camera” look in more detail than you really cared for. Slusho? Chese? Cloverfield! Common reasons to not like Cloverfield (and why they’re ALL bullshit). The often overlooked accomplishments of the camera style. The monster as the b-story. The vast list of iconic moments from Cloverfield. Easter eggs. Alice goes to the ER. Continue reading

True Romance + Natural Born Killers

True Romance + Natural Born Killers

Two films written by Quentin Tarantino and directed by directors who aren’t nearly as good. The auteur theory of film. Finding the writer’s signature in True Romance. Elvis. Tarantino’s characters. Dennis Hopper and the tale of the legitimate film. Racial fixation. Which series has the worst ending? How QT writes scenes. The original screenplay and ending. What would True Romance look like if Tarantino directed? Natural Born Killers may be fantastic, but Oliver Stone is still a crazypants. Tarantino’s actual involvement in Natural Born Killers. Abandoning the road film. Comparing Tom Sizemore as Cody Nicholson vs Jack Scagnetti. Charles Whitman. Tarantino’s multitude of movie ideas that will never come to fruition. Varying media and visual aesthetics. Less calypso, more Rage Against the Machine. Continue reading

Slither + Dawn of the Dead

Slither + Dawn of the Dead

A James Gunn zombish double feature. Slither and horror/comedy. They’re not called Slithers! Realism in a crazy situation. Protagonists who are smarter than the audience! Old School American Horror. Serving the comedy audience before the horror audience. Zack Snyder’s 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake. THAT’S WHAT YOU WANT. The original George A. Romero concept. Are originals really better than remakes? Really? Fast zombies. Richard Cheese and Lounge Against the Machine. Three stage zombie makeup. Using amputees. The only way a zombie movie should end. Carnivale sideshow jobs for listeners. Continue reading

Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother + The Postman Always Rings Twice

Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother + The Postman Always Rings Twice

Classic film noir recast with Quentin Tarantino actors! The Kitty Genovese myth. And the money goes to? Sherlock Holmes primer. The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes’ Smarter Brother. Homage or mockery? Comedy in the 70s. Is this rotten or wonderfully brave? Musical and stage. Sight gags. HAMSTER STYLE. James M. Cain and The Postman Always Rings Twice. More than symbolism. Wait, what is the murder plot? Crime in a different light. Cast and characters. The moral of the story always rings twice. The recasting. Continue reading

Killapalooza 7: Alien + Predator

Killapalooza 7: Alien + Predator

The complete Alien and Predator franchise. Alien films 1-4, Predator films 1 and 2, Alien vs Predator films 1 and 2. The amazing variety of directors from the franchise. Riddley Scott. Design. H.R. Giger. Isolation. The ship. Ripley. Secret robots from the future. The work of James Cameron and the IMDB Top Sci Fi films. Terminator 2 and Aliens. What is James Cameron saying in Aliens? Adventure films. Paper thin villains. Argreeing with the bad guy. Should we really wipe out the entire species? Game over man, game over! Irony. Who’s not taking this seriously? The relentless action of Predator. Score clashes, awesome ensues. Jungle sci-fi. Revealing an invisible monster. The Alien vs Predator comicbook. Bringing Alien and Predator together. David Fincher restores order in Alien 3. Quadrilogy is not a real thing. Prison planet. Retclone. Alien Resurrection is bag of crazy. Why people consider Alien 4 Blasphemous. Ripley as a reluctant hero. Kill me. Paul WS Anderson. How do you fuck up the story this hard? A return to the adventure genre. Acid. Looking back at the Alien and Predator franchises. HELP US! Mick is awesome. You can now Donate to help the show. Continue reading

Clue + House on Haunted Hill

Clue + House on Haunted Hill

Double Feature solves the rainy house mysteries. Clue for people who’ve never played Clue. The secret formula Clue uses to make you take it seriously. The multiple endings. Weapon analysis. The hard parts of a…board game adaptation. What breed of comedy is this? How the humor is used. A conversation regarding the legality of blackmail. Once you know the ending, how is the film different the next time through? The final ending. The original theme music for The House on Haunted Hill. Big American party. Background on Vincent Price. The Vincent Price / Roger Corman films. The many wonderful gimmicks of William Castle. Details on life insurance. The most divisive skeleton in cinema history. Things that are still frightening today. The public domain. Continue reading